Environmental Impact Assessment – Faray

Here you’ll find the Environmental Impact Assessment and relating documents for the Faray Community Wind Farm.

Environmental Impact Assessment


Volume 1 – Chapters

Table of Contents – Volume One
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Design Iteration
Chapter 3 – Proposed Development
Chapter 4 – Approach to EIA
Chapter 5 – Planning Policy
Chapter 6 – Landscape & Visual
Chapter 7 – Ornithology
Chapter 8 – Terrestrial Ecology & Nature Conservation
Chapter 9 – Noise
Chapter 10 – Cultural Heritage
Chapter 11 – Geology, Hydrology & Hydrogeology
Chapter 12 – Traffic & Transport
Chapter 13 – Socio-economic Tourism & Recreation
Chapter 14 – Aviation & Radar
Chapter 15 – Shadow Flicker
Chapter 16 – Underwater Noise Assessment
Chapter 17 – Marine Water & Sediment Quality
Chapter 18 – Other Issues
Chapter 19 – Schedule of Environmental Commitments
Chapter 20 – Summary of Residual Effects

Volume 2 – Figures

Table of Contents – Volume 2

EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 1.1_Site Location Plan
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 1.2_Proposed Development Site Layout

Design Iterations
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 2.1_Environmental Designations Outwith the Site Boundary
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 2.2_Site Environmental Constraints and Opportunities
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 2.3_Turbine Layouts A & B
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 2.4_Turbine Layouts B, C & D
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 2.5_Turbine Layouts D, E & F
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 2.6_Infrastructure Layout 1 & 2
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 2.7_Infrastructure Layout 3 & 4

Proposed Development
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 3.1_Turbine Elevation
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 3.2_Typical Turbine Foundation
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 3.3_New Extended Slipway and Landing Jetty
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 3.4_Access Track Cross-section
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 3.5_Typical Drainage Design
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 3.6_Indicative Substation Elevation
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 3.7_Typical Met Mast Elevation

Planning Policy
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 5.1_OIC Energy Spatial Strategy

EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.1_VP Locations and Viewsheds
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.2_Ornithological Designations
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.3_Schedule 1 Raptor flightlines
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.4_Curlew flightlines
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.5_Golden Plover Flightlines and Territories
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.6_Lapwing Flightlines and Territories
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.7_Oystercatcher Flightlines and Territories
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.8_Other Wader Flightlines and Territories
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.9_Shag AONs
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.10_Fulmar AONs
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.12_Gull AONs
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.13_Wildfowl flightlines
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.14_Other species territories and flightlines
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 7.15_Proposed mitigation

Terrestrial Ecology
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 8.1_Nature Conservation Designations
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 8.2_Phase 1 Habitats
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 8.3_Otter Survey Results
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 8.4_Seal Survey Results
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 8.5_Cumulative Assessment

EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 9.1_Proposed turbine layout, 35 dBLA90 screening contour, and NSRs
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 9.2_Cumulative wind turbines considered
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 9.3_Directional filtering applied to NMP1 baseline measurements
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 9.4_Directional filtering applied to NMP2 baseline measurements

Cultural Heritage
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.1_Heritage Assets and Proposed Infrastructure
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.2_Heritage Assets within 1km Study Area
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.3_Heritage Assets and 5km Study Area
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.4_Heritage Assets and 10km Study Area
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.5_Heritage Assets and 15km Study Area
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.6_Extract from 1882 Ordnance Survey map
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.7_Extract from 1881 Ordnance Survey map showing Quoy and Cott
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.8_Extract from 1881 Ordnance Survey map showing Doggerboat, School and Hamar
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.9_Extract from 1881 Ordnance Survey map showing Roadside and Lackquoy
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.10_Extract from 1881 Ordnance Survey map showing Windywall and Holland
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 10.11_Extract 1881 OS Map Ness

Geology, Peat, Hydrology & Hydrogeology
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 11.1_Watercourses Drainage and Abandoned Wells
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 11.2_Bedrock Geology
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 11.3_Superficial Geology
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 11.4_Potential Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Traffic & Transport
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 12.1_Automatic Traffic Count (ATC) Locations

Shadow Flicker
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 15.1_Shadow Flicker Map
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 15.2_Cumulative Shadow Flicker Map

Marine Water & Sediment Quality
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 17.1_Marine Structures Sampling Plan

Other Issues
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 18.2_Seabed Survey Sample Plan (annotated)
EIAR_Vol 2_Figure 18.3_ScotMap Inshore Fishing Monetary Value

Volume 3 – LVIA Figures & Cultural Heritage Visualisations

Table of Contents – Volume 3

EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.1_Study Area
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.2a_Landscape Character
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.2b_Coastal Character
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.3_Designations and WLA
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.4_Principal Visual Receptors
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.5a_Blade Tip ZTV 40KM
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.5b_Blade Tip ZTV 15KM
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.5c_Blade Tip ZTV 15KM A0
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.6a_Hub Height ZTV 40KM
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.6b_Hub Height ZTV 15KM
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.7a_Landscape Character with ZTV 15KM
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.7b_Coastal Character with ZTV 15KM
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.8_ZTV with Designations and WLA 40KM
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.9_ZTV with Principal Visual Receptors 15KM
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.10_Composite Map 15KM_A0
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.11_CWFs
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.12_CZTV_Spurness Point
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.13_CZTV_WestrayDevTrust
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.14_CZTV_StronsayDevTrust
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.15_CZTV_HammarsHill
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.16_CZTV_BurgarHill
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.17_CZTV_CostaHead
EIAR_Vol 3_Figure 6.18_CZTV_Quanterness

LVIA Visualisations
EIAR_Vol 3_Figures 6.19 to 6.29_Viewpoints

Cultural Heritage Visualisations
EIAR_Volume 3_Figures 10.12 to 10.25

Volume 4 – Technical Appendices

Table of Contents – Volume 4

Proposed Development
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 3.1_Outline CEMP

Approach to EIA
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 4.1_EIA Scoping Report
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 4.2_EIA Scoping Opinion
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 4.3_Cross-reference of EIA Scoping Opinion in the EIA Report
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 4.4_Additional Consultation
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 4.5_Major Accidents and Disasters
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 4.6_Proposal of Application Notice (PAN)
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 4.7_Marine Licence Letter to Consultees

Landscape & Visual
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 6.1_Methodology for LVIA
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 6.2_RVAA_Volume 1

EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 7.1 Avian Baseline Conditions
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 7.2_Collision Risk Report

Terrestrial Ecology
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 8.1_Extended Habitat and NVC Report
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 8.2_Otter Survey Report
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 8.3_Seal Survey Report
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 8.4_Storm Petrel and Bat Activity Survey
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 8.5_Shadow Habitats Regulations Appraisal

EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 9.1_Consultation with EHO
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 9.2_Cross-reference of EIA Scoping Opinion in the EIA Report
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 9.3_Record of Baseline Noise Survey
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 9.5_Cumulative Turbines
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 9.6_Derivation of Residual Noise Limits

Cultural Heritage
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 10.1_Site Gazetteer
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 10.2_Detailed Setting Assessment
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 10.3_Plates

Traffic & Transport
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 12.1_Transport Assessment

Shadow Flicker
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 15.1_Met Data
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 15.2_Potential Shadow Periods

Underwater Noise Assessment
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 16.1_Underwater Noise Modelling Figures
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 16.2_Behavioual Disturbance Calculations

Marine Water & Sediment Quality
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 17.1_Marine water and sediment quality inception report
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 17.2_Dredging Desk Study
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 17.3_Sediment Sample Plan
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 17.4_Sediment Sample Analytical Report

Other Issues
EIAR_Vol 4_Appendix 18.1_Seabed Survey Images

Volume 5 – Confidential Appendices

Table of Contents – Volume 5

EIAR_Vol 5_Appendix 7.3_Storm Petrel Report CONFIDENTIAL Annex
EIAR_Vol 5_Figure 7.11_Storm Petrel AOS_Confidential

Scale Drawings

Scale Drawings

Supporting Documents

Non Technical Summary – Faray
Pre-Application Consultation Report
Design & Access Statement
Planning Statement